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Dear Saints,

One of the first and possibly most important reasons chanting during our church service is beneficial is because it separates us from the world. Philippians 2:14-16 instructs us to be lights shining in the world. We are to be children of God, without blemish, in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation. Our crooked and twisted generation desperately needs the light of reverence and separation in Christ. There is a happy medium between dead orthodox tradition and contemporary Evangelical practice. Chanting in our service shines the light of reverence and separation from this world. It actually brings God’s people out of the world and involves them in something much greater. It helps teach us that we are partaking of something very different that we cannot find in this world. As our world continues, people are finding that modern-day entertaining and fun church really has nothing to offer. People are increasingly longing for something serious that reflects a true, holy, and majestic God. Chanting helps deliver the very things that people are looking for whether they are aware of it or not.

The second reason for chanting is because of the two-fold blessing that comes with musical tones and melodies. The most obvious blessing that comes from music is the ability to remember everything better. People who have never remembered the Words of Institution or the Proper Preface before, when they were spoken, have told me that because it is now chanted to music they leave the service with those very words and tones stuck in their head. Because of chanting the service God’s people are able to take the service home with them. God’s Word of forgiveness and life chanted here on Sunday morning then go with His people throughout the whole day. The blessing of chanting helps God’s Word become a part of His people. The second blessing from music is that it assists the delivery of the message. For instance, when I chant the Words of Institution you will hear two different tones being sung. The higher pitched tone is your pastor’s voice explaining what is happening. Then when I consecrate the elements, you will notice a lower pitched tone. That is no longer your pastor’s voice. It is the Lord Jesus’ voice Himself. Yes, the Lord is using my vocal cords to speak the words, but they are not my words nor is it any longer my voice. The lower pitched voice is Jesus Himself telling you, His children, that this bread is His very body for your forgiveness. It is your Lord’s voice, here for you, telling you the wine is His blood shed for you. Without chanting a person would not be blessed with this realization or distinction. Musical intonation always helps portray a story. That is why every movie includes background music to assist the message.

The third and possibly the most amazing reason chanting is beneficial is found in the book of Revelation. Revelation gives us a view into heaven right now. It reveals Jesus as He is now, ascended and at the right hand of God. Revelation shows us how Jesus relates to us and our churches today. We call our services Divine Services because we believe that God is here serving His people with forgiveness and equipping their faith for eternal life in Christ. To put it plainly, we belief that we are partaking of a heavenly reality here on Sunday. Revelation shows us that there will be lots of singing and chanting in heaven. Revelation 4 best reveals this to us. We are given a view into Christ’s thrown in heaven and what is taking place. This is where we see the whole host of heaven singing and chanting songs of praise to the Lamb, Jesus. Since this is what we can look forward to in heaven, it is extremely beneficial for our faith and confidence to partake of our heavenly reality here on earth. It is beneficial to do this because we will then also benefit from the full presence and blessing of the Holy Spirit. I do have a very good audio recording that faithfully shares the chanting and singing in Revelation 4. Should you be interested in hearing it please just let me know. I look forward to and welcome any additional questions or comments you may have after reading this.

May God continue to bless you and keep you through His Holy Spirit, for you are His and you are truly partaking of your heavenly reality every Sunday we are gathered in His name.

God’s humble servant called here for you,

Pastor Lessman

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